Secured loans work when an assest, such as property or a car, acts as security for the loan. If the loan is not repaid, you could lose that asset to the lender.
Secured loans are secured against a home, using the equity you’ve built up, or a car, as security. This may enable you to get the finances you may need.
A secured loan provides a lender with greater security if a borrower cannot meet the monthly repayments. That’s due to the asset acting as security on the loan.
A secured loan can be used for various financing reasons, though they may be most commonly known for mortgages or new cars.
Due to secured lending involving larger amounts, you may consider using it to consolidate your debts into one single affordable monthly payment. (Any consolidation of debts, Evolution pays direct to lender)
This is an important decision, so, ensure you do your research before seeking a loan.