Debt consolidation could be good or bad for your credit score. It could help you pay off debts quicker, and help you demonstrate good repayment habits, both of which could improve your credit score. However, defaulting on the loan could negatively affect your credit score.
The benefit of consolidating your debt is replacing many monthly repayments with one. This could make it easier to pay on time and show good repayment history – which could then positively affect your credit score.
Interest rates on debt consolidation loans may be lower than other types of credit – e.g. credit cards. So because a higher percentage of your monthly payment goes towards the loan principal, you could get out of debt faster.
If you already have bad credit, it could be difficult getting approved for certain types of debt consolidation loan.
If that’s the case, a secure loan could be suitable. With this type of loan, the risk to lenders is reduced as a house or other asset acts as security on the loan. That could improve your chances of getting approved for a debt consolidation loan.
Bear in mind if you default on the loan, your credit score may be negatively affected.