We want everything to be as simple and straightforward as possible, so we hope this page answers any questions you might have.
If it doesn’t, please feel free to contact us and we’ll help with any further questions. Alternatively for independent advice on secured loans, contact your local Trading Standards office or Citizens Advice Bureau. You can also contact the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) on matters about Consumer Credit. www.fca.org.uk/site-info/contact. For any info about money matters you can go to www.moneyhelper.org.uk/
Evolution Money Limited acts as a service provider to Evolution Lending Limited, and are authorised to advise you in connection with our second charge loans. Evolution Money will process all loan applications and manage the ongoing relationship to loan customers, meaning it is a member of the team at Evolution Money that you will speak to whenever you need to contact us.
Evolution Money Limited is also licensed credit broker which means it has been approved to pass information (with permission) on to other trusted lenders and brokers should a loan application not meet underwriting requirements. Loan applications meeting the criteria are funded and administered by Evolution Lending Limited.