As standard, whenever a credit agency is asked to run your credit profile by a potential lender, it will contain details of any accounts in your name, the date they were opened, the current limits on those accounts and whether you have missed any payments.
This information also includes accounts that might have been closed previously, which can remain on your credit report for up to 6 years. As well as previous accounts, credit searches also appear on the report regardless of whether you were approved or declined.
Other general personal information such as date of birth, as well as electoral and address details which tend to be used to confirm your identity as well as look up addresses associated with your name.
Furthermore, if there are any CCJ’s, bankruptcies or home repossessions, these would continue to appear on your credit report for 6 years.
There are many misconceptions and rumours about pieces of information that appear on your credit report but actually don’t. Some of these bits of information are: